The weather is certainly on our side this July and it was a beautiful morning when Schönried campers set off for their final July 2013 overnights. Group 1 headed off to tent camping, this time above Chateux d’Oex at La Sarouche, while group 2 got to hike up to the beautiful Berghotel Schwarenbach above Kandersteg. The second overnight trips also offered a third option to campers which was introduced last summer, ‘Challenge by Choice’, and this year was certainly a challenge!

After the success of last years Rüblihorn summit we organized something different for this year, but just as challenging and exciting. 8 campers signed up for this years challenge which was to hike from Saanen (1,014 meters), spend the night in tents near the Col de Jable (1,884 meters) and finally summit the Gummflue (2,458 meters) on day 2. After a long day hiking from Saanen – Chalberhoni – Wildboden the team was met at the Col de Jable with supplies and food. The campsite was prepared and dinner was enjoyed. A good nights sleep was had by all and bright and early the next morning campers met Jürg the Swiss Mountain Guide responsible for getting the group to the summit. A difficult 3 hour mix of steep hiking and scrambling attached to ropes, the campers finally made the approximately 600 vertical meter hike by noon.

Lovell Camps is especially proud of all campers for completing the overnight programs and we hope that the experiences they shared together will always be fond memories. Campers will have to return next year to find out what special overnights and challenges await them.